non-negative pressure water supply equipment
发布时间:2018-03-31 10:07:00 点击:
non-negative pressure water supply equipment
1.Save cost and use small area. The selection of the non-negative pressure water supply equipment not only reduces the cost but also makes full use of the water supply pressure in the water pipe network.2.No water pollution
The water supply equipment system of the water pipe network to the user's home is all sealed, water is not directly in contact with air , in addition, the food grade stainless steel is used to make the flow components .therefore the contamination will not occur in the water supply system. saving .Usually the link between the non-negative pressure water supply equipment and the water pipe network is directly connected, Add pressure to the water supply pipe network when the pressure is low ,the residual pressure of the pipe network can be fully utilized.
4. Easy lnstallation . The non-negative pressure laminated water supply equipment belongs to the complete supply system ,therefore, users can only use the import and export water pipes, the construction period is short, and the installation is convenient.